December 22, 2007

Best of the Best!

Congratulations Ryan! At this years company Christmas party Ryan won " The Best of the Best" award. Co-workers nominate people in the office through out the year who go above and beyond their regular duties. They gave him a $500 gift card to the apple store and this is his new Itouch. Ryan and VarDee played with their gadgets most of the week, they also put up shelves in all my closets. Thanks!

Aidyn's Christmas recital

Aidyn is the 5th one in from the left.

grandma and grandpa's visit

Linda and VarDee made it here this last Sunday and were able to visit for almost a week. We had alot of fun while they were here and we were able to celebrate Linda's birthday too.
We went to Build-a-bear, and to "Alvin and the Chipmunks", and we went out to eat a few times. Then on wednesday Kennedy had her tonsils out and we pretty much just hung out at the house after that. We were so happy they were able to come, and sad when it was time for them to leave. We'll miss you!

December 12, 2007

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas everyone! I know it's been a while since I updated my blog, we've been busy. I think we're ready for Christmas, we were happy to find out we will have some visitors for Christmas after all. Ryan's mom and dad are coming on the 16th. We are really excited to see them. Kennedy will be getting her tonsils out while they are here. She is really glad grandma will be here to make her feel better.

October 28, 2007

The kids are having fun in their after school activities. Here are Aidyn and Mason getting ready for dance and Tae Kwon Do. Mason really likes his uniform.

Trunk or Treat

We had our annual trunk-or-treat at the church. The kids had fun dressing up and doing all the different booths. If you can't tell Kennedy is a Giesha, Mason is Dracula, and Aidyn is Hannah Montana.

October 23, 2007

I've been TAGGED!

My friend Shannon has tagged me, and now I have to tag 6 people. The rules are, list 6 facts/habits about yourself and post them on your blog. Then tag 6 more of your friends, post who you are going to tag. I am going to tag Nick and Noelle, and Lynzie and Marq. I know that is only 2 people, but their the only other bloggers I know.

1. I worry about everything.
2. I love to watch the food network
3. I have started to really enjoying cooking.
4. I love being married to Ryan.
5. My favorite treat is chocolate and a diet coke.
6. I love to sing to the radio while I drive.

October 14, 2007

Pumpkin Patch 2007

Make video montages at
We had a blast going to pick out our pumpkins this year. Here is a slide show of our fun.

The kids took there time picking out their perfect pumpkins. Mason took the longest, but finally found "the one". We had fun carving the pumpkins. The girls had no problem getting their hands dirty, but Mason was really grossed out. GAG!

October 9, 2007


Mason is in his 3rd week of TaeKwonDo, and is still loving it. Here are some pictures of him showing off his new skillz!!


The kids really enjoyed getting 2 Halloween packages. One from Grandma Linda, and one from Grandma Lana.
Thank you!

September 30, 2007

Happy Halloween! Check out our "THRILLER" of a mix

We figured out how to put MP3's on our blog and have created a cool little halloween mix for everyones enjoyment!
Check out the player and play list below.

September 27, 2007

River-walk de Hooley

The long awaited photos of our construction mess. It has been a huge headache, from the first "Rain" here in San Antonio, we found that the drainage was not done correctly, thus causing flooding from our house and our neighbors. It got as deep as 3 feet deep in spots!!!
Pulte Homes tried to remedy the problem and we now have our very own river walk... Who needs the real river walk!?!
We are still awaiting full landscaping to try and hide our beauty mark, so we will post pictures of that once it happens. What do you think? Will we ever sell our house?

Pixie has FUR!!

Fall has arrived its a cool 90 degrees and 80% humidity. Pixie finally grew her fur back and actually had to take her to the groomer to get it cut.

September 8, 2007

Sea World!!

Today we bought season passes to Sea World San Antonio and took the family to the park for fun in the sun. A late season opening of the water park made for a fun day for all. Mason also was able to FINALLY feed the dolphins too, he was so excited.

Texas Hooley's

Life in San Antonio


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